Wednesday, September 3, 2008

The rain...

The rain... The loneliness... I am looking at the rain. Feelin the cold, the loneliness, the sadness. I am all alone in my room. How I wish I was at home, playing happily with my sisters. How i wish i was in school with my friends in M'sia. How i wish i am back in primary where i do not have any worries, any sadness. If i didn't choose to come here will I be different from now? Maybe totally different. How I miss the old days when I am surrounded by my friends and treated as a honoured student. But now i am juz a nobody... I am juz nothing. Even if i disappeared i do not think that anyone will notice... Just lik a torch swiched on under the mighty sun. I am juz wasting the battery, the time of everyone...


Anonymous said...

heyys yeeteng,
cheer up.
we will always be by your side.
and you know what?
i like your posts..
they give me a sense of originality..
if you know what that means..
anyways,good luck in everything you do.^^

Anonymous said...

♥Yo yeeteng!!!♥

♥I tell you uh,your blog damn nicez!
♥And your posts really damn inspirational...
♥And smile!!!
♥Cos a smile a day keeps devils away!^^
♥Don't emo lerhs and no more cutting of your wrists(:
♥Wad's your msn btw?...
♥My msn is
♥Add me in msn!!!Thanks(:
♥You still have me to be your friend,yeeteng^^

♥BERLIN here!♥

seryun:D said...

& i agree with jiaqi and berlin.
your posts are nice.
it leads me thinking and thinking.
but there'll still be no answer to it.
life's like that.
nth can last forever.
beautiful things dont last long.
but sad things dont last long as well.
so be positive alright?
look things on the bright side and it'll be beautiful.:)

Anonymous said...

Everyone meets their own loneliness ... one day, some only on the journey of no return, pity! Too busy with family, friends, strangers, study, works, committment ... always.
Consider yourself blessed having meeting it early.
Loneliness is very much an acquired taste. It first saddens you with the past. Be patient and it will search through your soul and tell you who you are, not who others expect of you. It will brighten you eyes to see deep within you, your true self and your strenght. Memories will no longer be a liability but an asset to move on. If you are lucky, you may even hear the gentle voice of your guardian of life.
Let past be your friend to warm you on a cold rainy day and loneliness help keeping past with you forever.