Thursday, September 4, 2008


Why does sunset last for only such a short moment? Why such wonderful thing last only for a while? Why can't it last forever, not letting the drakness to take over? The sunset is the most beautiful view I had ever see in the whole world. But it is also the most sad view I ever see... When I look at it I feel happy and yet very sad... Is happiness similar to sunset? Why does sadness always overcome happiness? Why does sadness always come right after happiness? Why does happiness last shorter than it should be while sadness last longer than it should be? Why can't it be reversed? I always gazed at the sunset thought a mist of tears. I always tell myself that i am not alone. But when I look more carefully... I found that... I accually am alone. Being alone hurts... It really hurts a lot... I juz don't wanna face the reality. I juz dun wanna be hurt. I found that Im juz... deluding myself...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

♥Some things in life are uncontrollable.
♥Just like you can't control the sunsets.
♥However,there are things you can control in life.
♥Your life,you can control it.
♥Smile and make the most out of it^^
♥Don't think about sad stuff and just look forward towards each coming day!
♥You want sunsets,you can see them everyday.
♥It doesn't min dat it wll disappear...