Saturday, November 29, 2008



Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The secrets of my heart

if I were to change the words I say to you,
do you suppose they would reach you?
since that time, many seasons have passed
but even though I always smiled at your side
there is still one thing I can't say
Secret of my Heart, I have no doubt
if there will ever be a little bit of tomorrow
the truth ought to be placed in our hands
I can't say, just a little more
I'm waiting for a chance
in this peaceful time, I want to connect a little more
I'm afraid to show you my soul
for a while, I walk apart from you, but why is it that your face
looks about to break? I want to protect you, I want to be close to you
Secret of my Heart, you understand, right?
everyone feels like they want to escape sometimes
but if that's all we do, then nothing can begin
I can't say, but surely, absolutely
I'm calling for a chance
Can I tell the truth?
these words I cannot speak hover around my lips
Feel in my Heart, I just can't hide any more than this,
'Cause I love you...
I will be with you
wherever you are
Can you feel my Heart?
Can't you see you're my Dream? I can't bear to lose
this precious time I have spent with you
when you feel ready to give up, just believe
I just wanna say, I'm not lost anymore
there will come a day
when all the lies will easily be broken apart
and yet, things will never change
Secret of my Heart, Our future is forever...

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Stupid qiuz...

A. People who have been tagged must write their answers in their blogs.

B. Tag 8 ppl to do this quiz, those who are tagged cannot refuse. Write who they are tagged by and they are supposed to tag back.

C. Continue this quiz by sending it to other people.the 8 people are ~

-Fang sin
-Jia hui
- Jia Qi
-Jeat Yinn
-Hui Jing
-Xiao Ping
-Mun Theng
*Sry 4 tt… didn’t mean to…

1. What have you been doing recently?
Reading books… (unbelievable)

2. Do you ever turn your cellphone off?
Yup, before I turn it on…

3. What happened at 10 am today?
I am breathing…

4. When did you last cry?
Yesterday… If I am not wrong.

5. Believe in fate/destiny?
Ya, nobody can change it…

6. What do you want in your life now?
Happiness and peacefulness

7. Do you intend to make a relationship complicated?
Nope, as simple as possible.

8. Are you wearing anything borrowed from someone?
Nope, but Im using something borrowed from someone.

9. What was the last movie you watched?
Detective Conan

10. Does that person know you like him/her?
Dun noe leh… Shld be bah.

11. What always make you laugh?
Nothing actually, only smile dun really laugh. Ll really laugh only when Im self mocking…

12. Do you speak other languages other than english?
Yup… Can really survive only speaking 1 language… ll sian diao...

13. Favourite website(s)?
Those related to detective conan, to be specific, youtube lol…

14. What are you doing tomorrow?
Dun noel eh… Cant foretell wad ll happen tomorrow howda ans?

15. Where have you been today?
Dead in my own world…

16. Sometimes, what do you think you are like?
Im like me lol… Isnt tt obvious?

17. Who will you choose to die with?
I ll wish to die 1st…

18. What games do you play often?
Maybe com games lol… Dun really play games nowadays…

19. Who are you missing now?
All my pri school frens… Still dun hav a chance 2 meet them…

20. If you have to choose between a love and a friend, who will you choose?
Depends, should be friend.

21. What are you doing now?
Slacking and crapping bah…

22. Which primary school did you come from?
Kepong 2, I noe tt my sch aint popular…

23. Name 3 colours you like.
- green
- white
- red(crimson)

24. What emotion do you like to show?
Any emotion, nt the true 1 then can liao.

25. What is your life to you now?
Fun, sad, touching, miserable… All crumpled together ^-^

26. If you have something troubling you, what will you do?
Try to solve it, if cant then just act that nothing have happened.

27. Who did you last chat with in MSN today?

28. Who do you admire most?
Conan/Shinichi n also the author.

29. Which month were you born in?

30.How are you feeling now?
Happy, enjoying the time with my family.

31. What is the time now?
Go see the clock yourself…

32. What kind of person of person do you think is who last tagged you?
No one tag me before, this is the 1st time…

33. What colour do you use to dye your hair ?
Laziness prevented me from dying my hair…

34. Why are you doing this quiz?
Force to do so… (never wanted to)

35. What do you do when you are moody?
Keep quiet then think about things.

36. At which stage do you intend to get married?
ll think about it when I grow up into a adult.

37. Who is most important to you?
Family, espeacially my lovely sisters.

38. If today was your last day of your life, what will you do?
Say goodbye to my frens and family, then leave happily.

39. Who is/are the people (person) you trust most?
God, then is my parents and my sisters.

40. Do you believe in seeing the rainbow after the rain?
Yup, saw it before.

41. If you have a dream come true, what will it be?
Can live happily with no worries… ( it ll never come true through)

42. What is/are your goal(s) this year ?

43. Do you believe in eternal love?
Yup, the love my parents and my sister give is eternal and I will give it back.

44. What feeling do you love most?
Touched… When I can finally cry out loud.

45. Do you really think it's global warming now?
Dun really care

46. What feeling do you hate most?
When nidda leave something behind or let go something.

47. Do you love doing quizzes?
Depends on wad kind of quiz, like most of it.

48. Do you believe in God?
Yup, and forever I will.

49. Who cares for you most?
My parents and sibling.

50. What do you think is the most important thing in your life?

51. What will you bring when you fight?
My hands and legs and of cos my brain.

52. What have you regretted doing in your whole life?
Yup, as a matter a fact I have been regretting for quite a lot of things.

53. What do you do if nobody cares for you anymore?
I rather be dead.

54. What will you do if your boyfriend/girlfriend two-timed you?
Huh? Wad does that mean?

55. How do you feel right now?
Happy, can believe I am actually doing this stupid quiz…

those tagged pls do this quiz

Monday, November 17, 2008



Lacking of self-confidence is my worst weakness, setting high goals made it worse... How can I discribe how I hate myself? Can anyone teach me a way to get the hatred away? How many more secrets do I not know about myself?

Friday, November 14, 2008

School holiday...

Haha… Finally school holidays had arrived!!! Gone back to Malaysia and stayed with my family. Finally I get to see my cute little sisters… Quite busy these days... Only left little time to suff the net, blogging and go online... A busy but wonderful holiday... Although it was only half of it... I realized that I am more happy staying in my own country than in Singapore. Before I came back I was always scare of the night… The cold trilling night… but not now. For now, I always waited until midnight to collect my memories and find what I had new things I had done and what I had learned. And the main point is I enjoyed it. I was thinking … Since I feel happy living in Malaysia… Maybe staying back in Malaysia and study is a good choice… Wasn’t it?

Friday, November 7, 2008

Wad happened?

Today I was watching a show showing someone broke a girl's leg just to forbident her from playing basketball. At that moment I felt the pain and the sadness as if the girl was myself... The scene keep apearing in my mind... Watz wrong with me? As if there was a stone stuck in my heart... Felt weird and pain at the same time... Remembering some time before, I was watching high school musical 2. I somehow feel really damn jeolous looking at the two main character... Wad happened to me... I had never felt so damn crazy before... Why do I feel jeolous so easily? Why do I feel so heart broken easily? Why do I get effected so damn easily?

Thursday, November 6, 2008

A new start

Yesterday, my cute little sis and I was in the study room. She said something like, "I can close myself." Then I corrected her, "U can control not close." When she left, I thought, can I really close myself? Maybe my sis is right, there is this sentense. She wasn't wrong.
Got a nice new haircut. The hair dresser is kinda funny and gay. His first sentence when he saw me: "小妹妹你等一下,哥哥去拿剪刀。" I was like,diao... Do I look so small? Before he start cutting, I ask him if he could cut shorter, he said, "U'll look even smaller if u do that." At that moment, I really feel like punching him. After he had done with the cutting, I looked at the mirror, I look really different maybe a bit smaller...(unfortunately, he turned out to be right...) I smiled, at least I like it. A new start... I will leave everything behind and prepare for the next year even if I don't want to. Concentrate and get hold of what was there for me. Leaving others behind as they will only become memory and nothing more. Maybe it will hurt but only for a short while. It will get better when time goes on...
*I know that I'm selfish.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

稻香-周杰伦 rox!

为什麽人要这麽的脆弱 堕落
珍惜一切 就算没有拥有
微微笑 小时候的梦我知道
回家吧 回到最初的美好

不要这麼容易就想放弃 就像我说的
追不到的梦想 换个梦不就得了
为自己的人生鲜艳上色 先把爱涂上喜欢的颜色
笑一个吧 功成名就不是目的
童年的纸飞机 现在终於飞回我手里
所谓的那快乐 赤脚在田里追蜻蜓追到累了
偷摘水果被蜜蜂给叮到怕了 谁在偷笑呢
哦 哦 午后吉它在虫鸣中更清脆
哦 哦 阳光洒在路上就不怕心碎
珍惜一切 就算没有拥有

还记得你说家是唯一的城堡 随著稻香河流继续奔跑
微微笑 小时候的梦我知道
不要哭让萤火虫带著你逃跑 乡间的歌谣永远的依靠
回家吧 回到最初的美好