Thursday, October 30, 2008



Tuesday, October 28, 2008





Saturday, October 25, 2008

my blog looks as if it was dying... maybe im similar to my blog... A lot of things had happened ever since the exam period had ended... Most of them are saddening... There was something wrong with me. Something unplesant...

Lying on the bed, thinking what had happened during the days in singapore... I had changed a lot. My friend once glance at me and said, "U had changed a lot. U aren't ur old self. U re very different from the u I know in the past." That time I don't understand what she was saying. But now I do... Maybe the pain had changed me. I had to make a lot decision here. Life goes on no matter what.It won't wait for anyone. Sometimes we just have to give up something, we just have to make sacrifics.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Flash backs...

For some reasons…I am still up at this time of the day… And was reading ghost stories online 4 the whole night… But I don’t feel scare… Instead i feel like as if I had gone back to the past. Remembering the times I was under my blanket, holding the torch light with the book…

Somehow I was always discovered the next day and needed to face the scolding and punishment… Remember the times when I was ready to be canned… I have my own ways of avoiding it… It is to hide the cane behind the shelves… I believe that here are still some of them there… I remembered the times I lost in my chess competition and I would throw or hide the score sheets if there is any… Or sometimes when I broken things and I would hid it under the table.

I remember once I accidentally made my sister fell off the trolley and injured her head… That night I was canned until my leg was bleeding… Ouch! That cane sure left some marks there…

These days I was actually living in my own world. Having a lot of thought and ignoring what was happening around me… I felt like when I am in primary school. Always deep in my thoughts, always looking for questions and asking unreasonable question, like: Why am I alive? Why am I a human? Something like that…
And it suddenly reminds me of my teacher who had passed away while teaching us. The part when he fainted and was gone… The shocking, the crying, the yelling… Then there was the part I left M’sia… The first time for me really crying and realizing that I am actually going to spore… alone…

I am still wondering if it is a right choice… A lot of things that I haven’t even dreamt happened… I could have write a book out of it… Maybe I should just start writing it… The title… Llife in hostel? Or Life without parents? Or my wonderful experience? Or what?

A lot of sad, happy, boring, wonderful… All the memories crumpled and was struck in my mind… Is this what life is about? Peace may bring a boring life but an interesting life will bring in pain. And pain is the part where it actually makes us grow and be more mature…

But it is the people’s choice to choose and boring life or an interesting one… It depends on how they see it… And soon it will tell you if you had made a right or a wrong choice… But if it is a normal boring life… What are we still living for? Might as well be dead then stuck in the boringness… That’s my feeling then… Whats yours?

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

A cute but touching story

The story is titled, a present of ‘nothing’… It may seem a bit lame and funny at the start… (note tt the “I” in the story refers to a pet dog)

My friend, Charlie’s (Also another pet dog) birthday is coming soon. I was deciding what to give him. He had a cozy bed, enough food, a squeaky toy and a pillow… He had everything… So what should I give him? I should give him… nothing! Yes, NOTHING. But how do I give him nothing? I heard my owner sitting in front of the TV and said “There is nothing to watch today…” But I always saw something in there… I heard my owner’s wife coming back home from the shopping center saying “There is nothing to buy…” So… I went to the shopping center… But there were a lot of things waiting to be sold. In the end I decided to give Charlie an empty box… I found an empty box in the basement. But I think that he should deserve more… So I went to the basement again and got a bigger box. I wrapped it. Charlie’s birthday had arrived… I took the box to Charlie’s house. He took the present happily and opened it… He said “There’s nothing inside…” I said, “There is nothing except for you and me…” Charlie smiled and hugged me. We sat on the sofa doing nothing but… feeling everything…

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Lost in darkness...

I had forgotten how to cry... I had forgotten how to laugh... I had forgotten how I start... And how I survived... I had forgotten who I am... My world had been taken away from me... Where am I? I am lost... in darkness... Now I am trying to find out who I am... Can anyone give me an answer? My mind is burning... in a hot fire...

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Curse and blessing...

I had came across a lot of unlucky things... But it turned out to be a blessing... It hard to dicide which is curse and which is blessing... It may looked like a blessing at the start... But it may only last for a short while and turn into a curse... Don't think that it is impossible... In this everchanging world... Everything is possible... There is something called miracle... It needs faith to appear... You need to believe it... Although it is rare... But it is a chance that it may happen... Although hopes looks like it had been swept away... But when you believe somehow it will happen... Who knows what miracle you may achieve... It maybe a lot greater then you had imagined...

Monday, October 6, 2008

A weird day...

I felt warm… Maybe I am having a fever… Having maths test tomorrow… What luck? But today I really had a weird day. We (me & cam) went to West Mall for lunch. We ate at the Subway. After we brought our meals, we looked for empty seats. In the end we shared a table with a women. She was in her early thirties and was waiting for her husband who was buying their lunch with their children. Somehow we started a ‘long’ conversation that last for almost 2 hours. Then, we went for some shopping (being forced to, I hated shopping through…) When we were about to leave… We came upon an uncle who was selling IQ games. The shocking part was that he didn’t finish his sec3 but got a master degree for something. We talked for at least 2 hours plus. In the end of the day, I still couldn’t believe that I actually talked to strangers for almost 4 hours… I wondered if everyone in this world were not greedy… This world will really be a better place…

Saturday, October 4, 2008

IQ test

I found a IQ test on the net... It is in Chinese.
If u wanna play it, take out a piece of paper and write down the answer for the following question... Pls dun cheat yourself by seeing the ans at the end of the post...

1. 英国有没有七月四日(美国独立纪念日)?
2. 一个人一辈子有几个生日?
3. 大月有31天,小月有30天,那麽一年中几个月有28天?
4. 棒球比赛每一局有几人出局?
5. 在美国加州,一个男人可否和他的寡妇的姊姊或妹妹合法结婚?
6. 30除以二分之一再加上10等於多少?
7. 桌上有3个苹果,你拿起2个,你还有几个?
8. 医生给你3个药丸,要你每30分钟吃1个,这些药丸多久後会被吃完?
9. 农夫有17只羊,除了9只以外都病死了,农夫还剩几只羊?
10. 摩西将每种动物选了几只带上方舟?
11. 一打每张叁元的邮票共有几张?


1. 有,每个国家都有七月四日
2. 一个
3. 12个,每个月都有
4. 6个,上下半局各3个
5. 不能,他已经死了
6. 70
7. 2个,因为你只拿了2个
8. 60分钟,第1个 --- 间隔30分钟 --- 第2个 --- 间隔30分钟 --- 第3个,共60分钟
9. 9只
10. 0只,方舟是诺亚建造的,和摩西没有关系
11. 12张

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Nothing is pure...

A new month have finally arrived... Theres exam tomorrow... But today really was a beautiful day... I found out that... no matter what day you have... You will have both happiness and sadness... Lucky and unlucky... There aren't a day that was pure happiness, sadness, lucky or unlucky... Its only the problem with the amount of which you have more...It was the same as beautiful, bright, dark and ect... If you see a bright day... You must remember somwhere in this world is dark... If you feels lucky... Someone in this world will be feeling unlucky... They may be just by your side... Its only because you didn't notice... It isn't because there aren't... Those who were still in darkness were waiting for people to help them... Were waiting for people to notice them... Many talk different from what they think... Many look different from the outside with what they were in the inside... Please try to find them... They were desperately waiting for help... Try to look into what they were thinking... Try to pay attention to those who were around you... You may find something you had never imagined before... Don't be blinded...